John Williams waves the flag, but flies union banner
One of the most frustrating realities in Orange County, land of Republicanism, is that so many “good” Republicans don’t support limited government, especially when the chips are down. … At the South Orange County Community College District, the board voted in closed session, 4-3, to offer a 9-percent pay increase to the faculty union — an overly large amount given the tough economic times and the struggling state budget.
The three conservatives on the board voted “no.” They are Tom Fuentes, the former GOP chief, Dave Lang and Don Wagner. Four of them voted “yes”: Marcia Mikchiker, Bill Jay, Nancy Padberg and John Williams. Padberg and Williams are prominent Republicans. Williams is the elected county administrator. Both like to champion their GOP credentials. … And now Williams is jumping on the union bandwagon and supporting the big salary increase.
After my previous blog posts criticizing his pro-union stance, Williams wrote long rebuttals focusing on his long-standing GOP credentials. He talked about the big American flag he flew in Iowa during the anti-Vietnam-War protests and about his resume. Very nice. I’m sure John is a great Republican, but his discussion about the specific contract is designed to basically change the subject. There’s no question that he is backing the union position and pushing for the higher salary increases and is viewed by the conservative minority as the main obstacle to a responsible budget….
You'll recall that the faculty union supported John Williams during the November election. Whatever else may be said about him, Williams has a history of championing good salaries as a means of attracting the best employees, including faculty.
Evidently, the President of the "Saddleback Valley Conservatives" is calling on his crew to show up to the January 20 (Tuesday) board meeting to pressure Williams and others to vote against the contract.
Could be interesting.
Check out Williams' rebuttal (to an earlier Greenhut slam) and other comments here. The "debate" is pretty lively.
So let me see if I understand this. If you support faculty's securing a raise, you are unpatriotic, i.e., one who is not "waving the flag."
Pure demagoguery.
There is a new blog from Greenhut on the same subject. In it a comment from a "district insider" says the district surplus is only $12,685,097 - not 180,000,000+.
I fail to see what turns on the issue of whether the district reserves are huge or just big. Either way, the district can afford to give faculty a raise.
Our district has been fortunate in being able to offer relatively high salaries (although it has not done well in recent years with entry level salaries). That has been an important reason for the relatively high quality of district faculty.
Is the district willing to abandon that strategy?
Just how important is faculty quality to the quality of a college?
Caught this and was curious as to opinions...
Action Alert! Help needed to defeat wasteful spending on January 20th
An urgent message from Saddleback Valley Conservatives Club President Jesse Petrilla:
Next Tuesday, January 20th, the South Orange County Community College District will vote on whether or not to cave to union pressure and give an unnecessary 9% pay hike to union professors with already inflated salaries, while our K-12 teachers are underpaid, and our nation is in a recession.
We need as many conservative members of the community to voice their opinion against this frivolous use of tax dollars at the upcoming school board meeting where the vote will take place. All those who sign up at the meeting will have a chance to have their voice heard before the vote.
Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
Arrive by 6:15 PM in order to sign up to speak.
Ronald Reagan Board of Trustees Room, Room 145
Health Sciences/District Offices Building
Saddleback College
28000 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo, 92692
(Campus map at the bottom of this email)
Bring your conservative friends and urge them to speak as well against this wasteful spending.
Jesse Petrilla
President, Saddleback Valley Conservatives
Thar's a storm-a-brewing! The funky four will have their resolve tested. Bring your camera, Chunk.
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