Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Stupid people taking over, episode 27

Jesus love me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Republican senator Ted Cruz to oversee Nasa in Congress (The Guardian)

     The Guardian reports that Republican Senator Ted Cruz will be chairing the committee in charge of NASA and the country’s scientific endeavors. Cuts in science/NASA funding might come next.
     According to the Guardian, Cruz has attempted to cut NASA’s funding in the past. They also report that, a year ago, Cruz told CNN that “the last 15 years, there has been no recorded warming” to support "a so-called scientific theory" and that he has noisily opposed the EPA.
     Cruz is not alone in this shift in power:
Senator Marco Rubio, Republican from Florida, was named chair to the subcommittee on oceans, atmosphere, fisheries and coast guard, which oversees the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Nooa) and the protection of oceans and marine life in US jurisdiction. Rubio has said he does not “believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate”, which is a more lenient position than the new chair of the environment committee, Jim Inhofe, who denies climate science outright.

From 2003

UC Irvine receives record number of applications (OC Reg)
     ...Up 7.7 percent from the previous year, 88,792 students from in and out of state are vying to enroll at UCI. Of those, 18,474 are in-state freshman Latinos – the largest number among the nine University of California campuses.
. . .
     It’s unclear how many [students] will eventually be admitted. The numbers likely will be the same as last year – 5,400 freshmen and 1,965 transfer students, said Cathy Lawhon, UCI spokeswoman. But the figures will be determined as the state budget is firmed up.
. . .
     UCI received the second-highest number of applications, behind UCLA.

Getting philosophical (take that love away)

Young people communicate in a world
in which things sometimes happen
The semester begins on Tuesday.

Yeah, I'm bored.
Me too. What's happenin'?
Nothing's happenin'.
Can I come over and hang?
Me? I've got Slim Harpo on the box.
Also hangin'.

Early December conversation with my nephew, Adam, age 10:
Roy: Adam! Santa’s gonna bring iPods for your little sisters. Would you like an iPod too? 
Adam: Yes! 
(A few seconds later:) 
Roy: Adam, do you like listening to music? 
Adam: No.
Future Adam

Just beginning to take that love away
Just beginning to take that love away
In a minute I'll wash that love away
Even now we remember what we used to say
Takes a minute to wash that love away
Take a clean break: wash that love away

Even now we remember what we used to say
Even now we remember what we used to say
We'll be together if we wash that love away

What's tha matter ?
Have to clean up ?
That's true
That's true
And it's taken
To extreme extent
That's why we
Work so hard to

Take that love away
Take that love away
Take that love away
Take that love away

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...