LA Times:
Sheriff's Captain Agrees to Plea Deal
Christine Murray must mail apologies to peers she asked to support Carona's reelection.
An excerpt:
Murray must also mail letters by month's end to 16 employees she contacted, acknowledging that she called them at home to solicit their support and endorsement of Carona's reelection. Further, the letter promises that Murray will avoid conversations that might be misunderstood or cause discomfort.
The letter, which stops short of admitting to anything illegal, was read in open court by Schons. It said, in part:
"I understand that soliciting your endorsement, given my position as a captain in a hierarchical organization like the Sheriff's Department, might have made you uncomfortable because the sheriff and perhaps other ranking officers, such as myself, might make decisions which affect your career and position in the department … If my call affected you in this way, I regret it."
OC Register:
Charges dropped vs. sheriff's captain
Murray must do poll work, write letters of regret.
No doubt Carona is sighing with relief.
Carona's chief advisor: Michael Schroeder.
The DA’s chief advisor? –Michael Schroeder.
(Schroeder is often labelled the "most powerful man in Orange County.")