Friday, April 10, 2009

Oral Roberts, faith healer, rich guy

Oral Roberts to visit local church

Today, the OC Reg reports that 91-year-old Oral Roberts will make an appearance at Life Church on Crown Valley, Saturday. The old fellow will perform a "Blessing of the Next Generation" with a "laying on of hands" for more than 40 children.

OK, whatever.

The Reg took some pics. In the one above, Roberts “strikes a spiritual pose at his Newport Beach home.”

Newport Beach home?! I thought Roberts was a country boy from Oklahoma! Shouldn't he be there, kissing ignorant children? And what’s a “man of God” doing living in wealthy and God-forsaken Newport Beach? (And is his backyard a golf course?!)

Life Church pastor Phil Munsey gushes that Roberts is “an amazing man…. He’s prayed for a million and a half people.”

I don’t get it. Anybody can pray for a million and a half people. More even. What’s Munsey talking about?

Maybe the point is that, sure, anybody can pray for multitudes—even you. But when Roberts prays, God really listens!

I bet Roberts' shoes are Italian.

The Reg interviews Roberts. It asks him what it’s like to speak to hundreds of thousands of the sheepery. The answer:

I pray for God's presence to come into my being, my body and my mind. The sermon comes to me. I don't make notes.

OK, I get it. He’s the Lord's conduit. God enters him and comes out squawking in Oral’s voice. Plus God gives him a superpower.

Wow, what a humble fucking guy. I bet he lives by the water, owns a yacht, hangs at the BBC.

The interview ends with a surprise:

Q. What do you think about President Barack Obama?

A. He is the man of this time. He's taken the burdens of the presidency in a remarkable manner. If he keeps on going the way he's going, he'll be a remarkable president. I voted for him.

Well, OK. That’s a pretty good answer.

Cypress College: muzzler of free speech

A couple of hours ago, our old pal Matt Coker of the OC Weekly posted a story about a community college in North County: CYPRESS COLLEGE RECOGNIZED FOR MUZZLING FREE SPEECH.

According to the Cokester, an organization named the “Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression” (TJCPFE) has placed the administration of Cypress College on its list of Muzzlers of Free Speech.

They took the #6 spot. They received this dubious honor
"for calling police to arrest members of the pro-life group 'Survivor' claiming that they were creating a disturbance by passing out literature and discussing their pro-life views with students…."

The Cypress college paper reported the incident a year ago, explaining that five members of Survivor were handcuffed and placed in the back of patrol cars before being cited for trespassing.


At the time, the college president defended the action, noting that the college has "designated free-speech zones," and the protesters refused to move their demonstration to those venues.

But the director of the protesting group argues that Cypress' so-called free-speech zone is “more like a confining pen.” According to the TJCPFE,

"…the Survivors were told they could speak only in a 'free speech zone' so remote from the campus center that their message would have had little impact and reached few listeners.” The activists were specifically charged with disturbing the piece, "although there appears to have been no disorder beyond the controversial message and the administration's response, and no evidence that classes or other vital functions were disrupted," ….

This years recipients of the TJCPFE’s award include

• The administrations of Texas' Lone Star College (for refusing to allow the Young Conservatives of Texas to distribute a tongue-in-cheek flier featuring "Top Ten Gun Safety Tips") and Tarrant County College (for banning students from wearing empty gun holsters as part of a protest against laws forbidding concealed weapon license holders from carrying guns on college campuses).

• The administration of Yuba Community College (Yuba City, CA), for threatening to arrest and expel a student who wanted to express his Christian message through tracts, a sign and conversation on campus.

• The administration of the Academy for Arts, Science & Technology (South Carolina), for preventing the distribution of the school newspaper because of an editorial supporting same-sex marriage.

Starting about a dozen years ago, faculty and students at Irvine Valley College battled then-President Raghu P. Mathur and the SOCCCD district over similar issues, leading to a string of high-profile, successful lawsuits. The district spent shitloads of taxpayer money defending itself for thwarting student and faculty free speech (including the free speech of Yours Truly).

I'm pleased to be able to report that, in recent years at the college, various groups—including fundamentalist Christians and noisy, photo-wielding pro-life Jeremiahs—have routinely visited the campus, unmolested by the police. As far as I know, no incidents or problems have occurred.

See? Free speech isn’t so bad, now is it? And it's cheaper, too.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...