Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Affordable Textbooks? Cabrillo College students and instructors weigh in...

"This is Nicola, a Cabrillo College student. 72% of her education expenses go towards buying textbooks. On average, a student like her will spend nine hundred dollars a year on textbooks. In a classroom of 30 students that amounts to 27,000 dollars a year..."


Take a Hint: Former Student in Print

In case you wonder where they go, what they do - here's one former student checking in.

excerpted from Flash Fiction Chronicles edited by Gay Degani:

Take A Hint: Jenn Alandy’s Long Walk to Print
by Jenn Alandy
I was twenty-four years old when I discovered Welcome to the Monkey House. A former writing teacher, Lisa Alvarez, deepened my appreciation for Kurt Vonnegut by introducing me to this short story collection. Some of the stories were familiar to me, while others – like unopened gifts – were brand new. One of these gifts was a particularly uncharacteristic Vonnegut story entitled “Long Walk to Forever.” In this peculiar and sentimental story, there is no dystopia, there are no Trafalmadorians, no United States Handicapper General, and no Suicide Parlor Hostesses. There are just two young adults named Catharine and Newt.

Catharine is on the verge of marrying another young man named Henry Stewart Chasens, but Newt shows up at her door unexpectedly to visit and notices that she’s clutching a bridal magazine, presumably dreaming of a fruitful, fairytale-esque future. Newt, ever present-minded and spontaneous, disrupts her daydream and asks her to take a walk:

“A walk?” said Catherine.

“One foot in front of the other,” said Newt, “through leaves, over bridges—“

You see, much like Catharine, many emerging writers tend to be farsighted and dream of the fanciful end results: a future book deal, a future six-figure advance, a future book tour. Instead of focusing on the present, writers dream about publication. But this is not why we should write, nor is it why I write...
To read the rest, click here.


There's Jenn, along with other authors, at the book signing for Hint Fiction at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...