I'M TOLD that, yesterday, the SOCCCD Board of Trustees held a special meeting. I'm also told that the meeting concerned the evaluation of the Chancellor.
My sources tell me that the board has renewed, or is contemplating renewing, Mathur's contract and granting him valuable cash prizes to boot. (See added agenda item below.)
agenda outline for Monday's meeting is now available online. Check it out. Or not.
Among "general action items" listed on the outline are:
5.4 SOCCCD: Academic Personnel ActionsApprove New Personnel Appointments;
Academic Temporary Part-Time/Substitute Staff;
Additional Compensation: General Fund;
Additional Compensation: Categorical/Non-General Fund;
Administrator Contract Extension Correction;
Leave of Absence; Resignation/Retirement/Conclusion of Employment.
—You'll recall that, immediately prior to last month's meeting, Chancellor Mathur pulled the item concerning approval of Saddleback College faculty stipends. (This occurred without the trustees' knowledge. See
Mathurian Shenanigans: Plan C.) This meant that, owing to "questions" that the chancellor suddenly developed just prior to the meeting, affected faculty would not be paid but would instead be compelled to await approval of payment at the July meeting.
Naturally, those instructors became hopping mad. Near as I can tell, they're
still hopping mad.
5.2 SOCCCD: Board Policy Revision: [Accept, for review and study?:]
BP 100: The South Orange County Community College District,
BP 101: Mission,
BP 102: Functions of the Governing Board,
BP 103: Board Membership,
BP 104: Student Member of the Board of Trustees,
BP 105: Organization of the Governing Board,
BP 106: Board Elections,
BP 107: Board Policy and Administrative Regulation,
BP 108: Vacancies of the Board,
BP 109: Board Education,
BP 112: Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees,
BP 120: Regular Meetings of the Board,
BP 122: Closed Sessions,
BP 124: Special and Emergency Meetings,
BP 126: Quorum and Voting,
BP 128: Agendas,
BP 130: Public Participation at Board Meetings,
BP 132: Speakers,
BP 134: Decorum,
BP 136: Minutes,
BP 138: Recording,
BP 146: Chancellor Succession,
BP 148: Evaluation of the Chancellor,
BP 152: Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals,
BP 154: Conflict of Interest,
BP 158: Political Activity,
BP 160: Personal Use of Public Resources,
BP 162: Communications Among Board Members,
BP 164: Board Member Compensation,
BP 166: Health Benefits,
BP 168: Board Member Travel,
BP 172: Board Self Evaluation
P.S. (8:00 p.m.):At some point today, the following item was added to the posted agenda outline:
5.6 SOCCCD: Chancellor's Contract Approve contract of employment for Chancellor.