.....Near as I can tell, EA is growing and is becoming a player in OC politics. (For a brief review of its activities since 1994, read this.)
.....Well, ever since Tracy’s report, I have regularly visited the Education Alliance website (see), keeping an eye on the organization.
.....Education Alliance’s politics are typical of the religious right. Its platform (see) lists seven “principles”:
1. Back to basics education.....Now wait a minute! Don’s on the board of EA, and EA favors term limits.
2. Rights of parents
3. Local control
4. No bilingual education
5. Eliminating union and other special interests control over school administration
6. Promoting positive values and discipline
7. Term limits
.....According to EA, term limits “prevent constant unbroken sustained long-term re-election of any particular individual to any particular office in the government of education.” That’s a bad thing, evidently.
.....OK, but Don Wagner holds office in the government of education. He’s a trustee of a community college district.
.....Don was elected in 1998. He was reelected in 2002. And then again in 2006.
.....Just sayin’.
.....From now on, though, I'm callin' him "Ralph Waldo" Wagner.
Some district history you may have missed: Wagner debates, 1998
SEE also Video: Wagner goes after "liberal busybodies"