Thursday, May 14, 2009

Roberta McCain assesses Mr. Limbaugh

Part 2

"Crossroads Oracle," Matthew Furmanski
(CLICK to enlarge)

Here in the canyon, I've been in communication hell, what with our two phone lines down, including the DSL. Sheesh. So here's my scaled-down (low-res) part 2 of "the last day of class," brought to you by a neighbor's hideous dial-up. (NetZero seems well-named.)

Party for Bari and Julie—many attended

At the party, smiles and laughter

Beth and Melanie, clowning

Joe Seeman's "Elements in Motion"

Last-minute advice from the Reb

Lisa AD, et al., at the reception for BOSI.

Driving home, saw these cattle above El Toro Road

Rebel Girl's Poetry Corner: "it's time to go"



Any day now.

See you there.

And now a poem by Louis Simpson:


My ex-wife comes over
and invites me to sit

with them. I say okay.
There are a lot of speeches,

all saying much the same,
about the new generation,

the future belongs to them.
They're lining up for it,

walking onto the stage.
There she is, our Meredith.

The sound of two hands clapping
is mine. If there's one thing I know

it's when something is over and
done with, and it's time to go.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...