Saturday, October 7, 2006

Unfamiliar with DISSENT & the SOCCCD saga? Read:
A brief history of our troubles

ABOVE: IVC VPI Dennis White's going away party.

Prez Rocky was on hand to note some of Dennis' contributions.

Gee, he must be sorry to see the Dennster go.

Oddly, the image below slowly emerged on a nearby wall. It was positively ghostly. Everybody was creeped out.

Naturally, there was prayer. But it didn't seem to take.

They tried to hose it off, but it wouldn't budge.

Someone speculated that it was an old photo of Raghu P. Mathur at college. Could be.

Then, suddenly, "poof," it was gone.

And so was Dennis.

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Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...