Rebel Girl sent me these photos of today's appearance at IVC of the Ron Paulies. Apparently, they set up a booth, offered the usual arguments, and distributed the usual colorful propaganda.
Among Cave People, Dr. Ron Paul has a special role—he deserves a particularly pointy stalactite—owing to his relative honesty and forthrightness. Sometimes, you almost want to like him.
He's a Flintstonian Don Quixote, tilting at windbags. The Tea Partiers sometimes claim him because of his isolationism, nativism and hatred for redistribution of wealth, I guess. But he's too genuinely into the freedom thing to be trusted by most of the Tea Brained. And, of course, he's utterly unacceptable to the Big Money GOP old guard.
Mostly, though, he serves to make his right-wing Tea-Pandering competitors look dodgy and impure. So I do hope he hangs in there!