Fullerton Junior College cheerleaders, 1946. What's with those tobacco leaf pom-poms?
I recall this sentiment being expressed over the years. Now? Not so much.
Two or three months ago, I bought my first laptop—an expensive Mac—and it's just great, but it's also so new-fangled that it cannot deal with the (pre-OS X) version of Photoshop that I had been using. Well, today, I finally acquired a workable version of the program, and so I thought I'd fool around with it a bit.
Everybody knows that there's no truth whatsoever to that horrible stereotype of the Gypsies as, um, thieves.
Somebody oughta tell Wikipedia, which (in its article on "Romani people") refers to a 2006 study, involving 363 Gypsies (Romani), that “found results that placed participants in the IQ range of 70 (borderline mental retardation) and on the executive function tests at the level of a Serbian 10 year old.”
It goes on to assert that the “crime rate of Romani communities is highly disproportionate as well.”
Such incorrectitude!
How incorrect of me. I recall kids like this in high school, sans cellphones. (Apologies to Tom Tomorrow.)
As in "casual." Does anyone still say "cazgh"? Many of my students wrote about "casual determinism" on the final exam. I sometimes announce, "You don't want to confuse 'causal' with 'casual.'"
"What's the difference?" asks a student way in back.
And "Dick Hart" was a French philosopher, evidently.
OK, the "Aphids" aren't incorrect. Better than Anteaters though.
How incorrect of me. I recall kids like this in high school, sans cellphones. (Apologies to Tom Tomorrow.)
As in "casual." Does anyone still say "cazgh"? Many of my students wrote about "casual determinism" on the final exam. I sometimes announce, "You don't want to confuse 'causal' with 'casual.'"
"What's the difference?" asks a student way in back.
And "Dick Hart" was a French philosopher, evidently.
OK, the "Aphids" aren't incorrect. Better than Anteaters though.
This alludes to South County's own Orly Taitz, queen of the "birthers"--you know: the people who think that citizen Obama isn't. She's a dentist.