Well, that’s very nice, I guess. A tribute to Tom Fuentes.
Baugh and Co. chose to use the photo of Tom that was used for many years by the SOCCCD on its website. (Until recently, when you clicked on Tom's name on the trustee page, you’d go to a page featuring this photo and Tom's bio. But Tom’s name no longer appears on the trustee page. Wow, these district people work fast!)
Now go to the district (SOCCCD) website. Click on the NOTICE OF TRUSTEE VACANCY link that appears there.
Here’s what appears:
It’s the same photo, only without Tom. He's been erased, as if by magic. (Tom's name is nowhere mentioned on the page.)
—There's a vacancy, get it? Right there on that fake lake in Lake Forest! See?
I think we’ve got a bunch of literalists down at the district.
P.S.: if you stay on that opening page of the OCGOP site, it cycles through four or five banners, including this one:
Brewer and Breitbart: these are the heroes of the OC GOP.
That tells you everything you need to know about it.