Thursday, June 7, 2012

Literalists down at the district

     This morning, I happened to visit the website for the Orange County Republican Party. When the page opened, I saw this:

     Well, that’s very nice, I guess. A tribute to Tom Fuentes.
     Baugh and Co. chose to use the photo of Tom that was used for many years by the SOCCCD on its website. (Until recently, when you clicked on Tom's name on the trustee page, you’d go to a page featuring this photo and Tom's bio. But Tom’s name no longer appears on the trustee page. Wow, these district people work fast!)
     Now go to the district (SOCCCD) website. Click on the NOTICE OF TRUSTEE VACANCY link that appears there.
     Here’s what appears:

     It’s the same photo, only without Tom. He's been erased, as if by magic. (Tom's name is nowhere mentioned on the page.)
     —There's a vacancy, get it? Right there on that fake lake in Lake Forest! See?
     I think we’ve got a bunch of literalists down at the district.

P.S.: if you stay on that opening page of the OCGOP site, it cycles through four or five banners, including this one:

     Brewer and Breitbart: these are the heroes of the OC GOP.
     That tells you everything you need to know about it.
Computers Grade Essays Fast ... But Not Always Well

     …Some schools around the country are already using computer programs to help teach students to write.
. . .
     Les Perelman, director of the student writing program at MIT, is among the skeptics. Perelman recently tried out a computer essay grading program made by testing giant Educational Testing Service.
     "Of the 12 errors noted in one essay, 11 were incorrect," Perelman says. "There were a few places where I intentionally put in some comma errors and it didn't notice them. In other words, it doesn't work very well."….

Ex-Santa Ana Unified chief to lead O.C. schools
(OC Reg)

     (The upshot: Raghu didn’t get the Superintendent gig. The other loser did.)

OCC names new VP of instruction
(Daily Pilot)

     (I know: who cares?)

Chapman U. Pays $175,000 to Settle Gender Bias Claim
(Inside Higher Ed)

     (Tsk, tsk)

Earth To Neal Kelley, Orange County's Registrar of Voters; Come in, Kelley . . .
(NavelGazing/OC Weekly)

     (Wanna know how the election's going? Kelly's counting on his fingers and toes.)

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...