But this man [Carona] is hardly one to claim to be the bastion of protecting children from sex offenders. In fact his office, with the advice of Schroeder and Fleischman (the folks who believe Republican activists have the fundamental right to commit crimes, including child rape), aided in covering up evidence of widespread child molestation. An acquaintance who is a survivor of priest abuse spoke to me anonymously and informed me of some shocking information. Turns out that files on linking GOP party chairman Tom Fuentes advising of abusive priests to be transferred, accidentally got shredded by the Sheriff's office, after the DA (also a Schroeder/Fleischman hack) gave it to them for "safe keeping." Carelessness was ruled as the cause of this accident, you all connect the dots. I reported, you all decide. It was either stupidity or corruption, in either of these cases any police chief would have been fired. Why should Mike Carona continue to keep his job?
Fuentes is very close to Shroeder. Schroeder is the close advisor not only of Carona, but of OC DA Tony Rackauckas.
Is there anything to what Gallegos is saying? Have any of the media reported this sort of alleged "accidental" shredding?
Does anyone have verification of this ruling of "carelessness" on the part of Carona's office? Is Gallegos correct in his description of what was allegedly shredded?
Or is Gallegos just flapping his gums (or whatever one flaps on a blog)?