The little guy dressed up in his thrift store finery and rode his bike in the children's contingent.
Leading the parade, as he does every year, is canyon resident Rusty Richards who used to sing with The Sons of Pioneers.
In lieu of the usual poetic offering, Rebel Girl offers this prose piece which arrived home at the end of the year in her son's homework packet. She doesn't know what assignment directed it nor what kind of grade the little guy received for his effort. It's untitled and clearly fiction. But it does get at some kind of truth. Enjoy. Happy Independence Day, all.
Abe Lincoln and George Washington went on a journey. They were going on the Titanic. When they were on it, in the night, they silently changed the flags. Then they got a lifeboat with food. Later they were out at sea. They managed to get onto a cruiser. Last the war was finally over. They survived.