Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Saddleback College Lariat reports the “horse head” incident

IVC Horseman ignites security concerns: A student prank causes administration to take a new look campus security
     …An unnamed instructor whose classroom was disrupted reported the intrusion to the college, but according to a post by IVC philosophy instructor Roy Bauer on Dissent the Blog, was dissatisfied with the apparent lack of response from the administration at the time.
     “The college has a history of potentially dangerous incidents handled badly,” said Bauer, creator of Dissent the Blog, referring to an incident that occurred in the fall of 2010, when a disturbed student sought after his writing instructor with a pair of scissors in his hand. “Generally speaking, faculty have been unimpressed with administrative efforts in [ensuring campus security]. As in so many other regards, in this [incident], we worry that they're all talk and no action.”
     In the administration’s defense, Vice President of Student Services Gwendolyn Plano cited the confidentiality of the investigation and the lack of names as the reasons for the administration’s seeming idleness.
     “A lot of times when something like this occur, people outside would not know that each of us [in the administration] are looking at it,” said Plano. “I think the dissatisfaction was that [the faculty] were hoping it could be resolved quickly. Unfortunately, there were no names initially. It took about two weeks before there were any students named to be able to do something. The only way you can invoke emergency preparedness process is if the police were called and they were not. They weren’t called until the day after.”….

The Morning Matinee: Don't Know Much About History...

Skip to 55 seconds in to hear Rick Santorum break the news that California state universities no longer teach American history.
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Rick Santorum Speaks from His Heart - California Colleges
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Tom Fuentes and pal Rick Santorum

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...