.....It is a recent installment of the KUCI interview show, Subversity, with Dan Tsang. (I do believe that I was Dan’s guest on the show 11 or so years ago.)
.....In the interview, which is a half-hour long, Lang explains the Treasurer gig, the OC bankruptcy, his entry into politics (14 years ago), his philosophy, his endorsements, etc. I listened to most of it and it ain't exactly scintillatin'.
.....Among his endorsements: retired senator Marian Bergeson, Tom Fuentes, John Williams, and lots of Democrats (he says). “Too many to mention.”
.....He seems to indicate that, thus far, he’s the big spender of the race. He notes that it costs about $100,000 to run for this office. It's "not for the faint of heart," he says.
.....Lang’s campaign website is here.
.....On his Smart Voter page, Lang includes Fuentes among his three “key endorsements.”
.....(Do you realize that it's been five and a half years since Lang sold out his faculty supporters and made a deal with the devil?)
Remember this UFO sighting, c. 2005?
Look! In the sky!
He had lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.
● More graduation speakers boycott UC ceremonies (LA Times)
A labor union's call for graduation speakers to withdraw from the ceremonies at UC campuses is gaining traction. Among several others canceling their speeches, state Sen. Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) is dropping out of a commitment to address a graduation event for Latino students at UC Berkeley on May 15 and Robert Hertzberg, former Assembly speaker, will no longer give an address at UC Berkeley's ceremony for political science graduates on May 17….● What Prop 8? Poll Finds OC Supports Gay Marriage, Gays in Military (OC Weekly)