Thursday, April 26, 2012

Trustees set to give themselves an "A"

     Looks like the board will be meeting on Saturday morning, at 9:00 a.m., to do their "self-evaluation":

Marcia Milchiker: “Gosh, I’m a biologist, you know. I seem to be medicated. May I have a D please?” ~ Dave Lang: “I’m the corrupt bastard who sold out my friends for Fuentes’ support. Smack me with an F, maybe even a G!” ~ Bill Jay: “ZZzzzzzzzzzz” (D) ~ Nancy Padberg: “I’ve been tossing the usual red meat, like tonight’s report on veterans. Pointless. Gimme a D.” ~ TJ Prendergast: “I’ll pretty much go along with the rest of ‘em, and they’re pretty clueless. I need a C to make it into CSUF.” ~ Frank Meldau: “I’ve been speaking up lately and I haven’t made a fool of myself yet. B?” ~ Tom Fuentes: “I attended one meeting in the past year. Gimme a no-show drop.” ~ The whole board: morale at the colleges is in the crapper and we have no idea whatsoever. Nor do we particularly care. What kind of meat did they order for dinner tonight?: D+

Here's the agenda for Monday's regular board meeting: Agenda for April 30 Board Meeting (beware: a large pdf file)

Poll: More favor gay marriage than oppose it (OC Reg)

Jane Doe speaks

An excerpt from R. Scott Moxley’s Meet Jane Doe: OC's most famous sexual-assault victim breaks her silence on the 10th anniversary of the Haidl gang rape

…Observers also expected that Haidl's two best buddies, Sheriff Mike Carona and Assistant Sheriff George Jaramillo might try to aid the accused rapists. Haidl had risen from San Bernardino Countyused-car salesman who'd made a fortune auctioning government vehicles to assistant sheriff with full police powers—without a minute of formal training. It probably helped that Haidl paid monthly cash bribes to Carona and Jaramillo, loaned them his private jet, bought them custom-made suits, as well as secretly funded their takeover of the Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) in 1999 with hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal, undisclosed campaign contributions. In return, Carona and Jaramillo used back channels to sabotage Doe's case by threatening that Haidl would fund an election challenger to District Attorney Tony Rackauckas if the case weren't dropped or transferred to juvenile court….

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...