Meanwhile at OCC...
In a video clip recorded by a student, a psychology instructor at Orange Coast College told her class that the election of Donald Trump was “an act of terrorism” – prompting an official complaint from the school’s Republican Club.
Olga Perez Stable Cox told students in her popular human sexuality class shortly after the election: “We have been assaulted.”
...The union that represents Cox defended her and said any students involved in the recording violated school and state codes and could be punished. Meanwhile, some Orange Coast College students and their supporters called it a blatant example of liberal bias on American campuses.
At at the end of the videotaped exchange, one student turns around and asks another, presumably the one doing the taping, "When does the marijuana proposition come into effect?" The student answers, "We can smoke now. " The tape ends. The Washington Post has a version with subtitles - see below.
Washington Post: Watch professor make post-election political speech
Washington Post: Watch professor make post-election political speech