Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who you callin' an "assh*le"?!!

In my last post, I presented a small portion of my deposition last week in connection with the “Westphal v. Wagner” prayer case.

At one point, the district’s attorney, Mr. V, seemed to want to say that, in DtB, I tend to call people “assholes” and “idiots.” In response, I noted, first, that my occasional use of these terms was mitigated by the satirical nature of the blog. Second, I noted that I only call assholes “assholes.” Third, I noted that, insofar as I “call” people the a-word, the frequency of the phenomenon has decreased over the years.

I decided to look at the bare-assed facts. I searched for appearances of the word “assh*le” in the blog posts since the beginning of 2009 (that's a period of about fifteen months). Here’s what I found: the DtB posts in which the word "asshole" appears.

In each case, I present, in red, my assessment of whether the given occurrence of the a-word constitutes my calling my opponents assholes. Feel free to disagree!

Another beer ~NO.
The Stupid People revolt ~NO.
Dissent gift ideas ~NO.
It is what it is ~NO.
Chapman U: from selflessness to selfishness ~NO. 
Loutish self-celebration: the annual A**hole Parade ~NO. 
"A-Hole" at the Radisson ~MAYBE or "YES, but."
So Damn Happy ~NO.
Americans: counting our losses with a super-multiplier ~NO and MAYBE
Embarrassing perversitudinal dissonance. ~NO
The Chancellor’s opening session: "dead, completely dead, and dead forever" ~MAYBE
The boy who cried "wolf!"—and then got et ~NO.  
Russian roulette, American Style ~NO. 
We'll "prosper through doors"—and experience the Fall of Peevitude ~PLAIN YES
Dick's grandson, Cox ~YES, BUT 
Tuesday's board meeting—Roy's report ~NO


Anonymous said...

Rebel Girl doesn't cqll anybody an asshole. Why don't they depose her?

13 Stoploss said...

there could be a great reference to Team America here--about the dicks, the pussies, and the assholes--but it's rather profane.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...