Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Major campuses will start January Online

7 U of California Campuses Will Start January Online 

Inside Higher Ed

So will Loyola Marymount, Oakland and McDaniel as fear of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 and its impact spreads. 

Seven University of California campuses announced Monday that they will start instruction online in January in response to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. 

The campuses are at Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Riverside. UC Santa Barbara announced on its website that “Given the uncertainties around the Omicron variant, UC Santa Barbara will begin winter quarter with two weeks of remote instruction. The quarter will begin as scheduled Monday, Jan. 3, and in-person instruction will resume Tuesday, Jan. 18, following the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday, subject to reassessment of the situation early in the quarter. The decision to delay in-person teaching is related to supporting students and instructors, particularly those who either test positive over winter break and cannot travel back to campus on time, or who test positive upon arrival and need to isolate.”… 

COVID-19 Changes Plans for Next Semester 

Inside Higher Ed

DePaul, Harvard and Stanford students won’t have in-person classes the first weeks of the semester; Penn State, UCLA and U of Southern California are considering such a move; Cornell has surge in infections; Bowie State, Towson and Tufts move finals online. 

COVID-19 is leading some colleges to alter their plans for the next semester, even as it continues to impact the semester that is finishing up. The concern is the Omicron variant of the virus, which transmits much more quickly than other versions and appears to infect some people who are vaccinated. 

In most cases thus far, the Omicron variant does not cause vaccinated individuals to experience anything but mild symptoms, according to public health experts. But college officials are still worried. .Stanford University announced that it will start the winter quarter online, from Jan. 3 until Jan. 18….

More Colleges Announce Changes for January

Inside Higher Ed


Bob said...

Very sensible, very safe--for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Yes. When the UC plans to return with face-to-face classes is about the same time the SOCCCD begins - I hope - face-to-face (with masks) on campus.

Anonymous said...

Onset of COVID pandemic--
Professor: These masked students scare me. I’m afraid of catching their virus!

Biden Administration--
Professor: Wearing a mask must be mandated!


Pro-vax mandate professors: I have had 3 vaccinations including the booster! I’m afraid of catching the Omicron. I will cancel my travel plans. I will continue teaching online. More variants to come… more vaccinations, please!

Students: Huh? Duh!

Anti-vax mandate professors: How many vaccinations will you take before you finally catch on???

Pro-vax mandate professors: Now I feel like banging my head against the wall!


Professor: I don’t understand why you (students) live in big houses and drive luxury cars in Irvine while we, professors, drive dilapidated cars (except for some union leaders) and can’t even afford to rent an apartment.

Students: Huh? Duh!

Got my point? For 2022 my wish for these pro-vax mandate professors is simple---ENLIGHTENMENT.

Anonymous said...

5:15 is obviously "challenged," intellectually. His remarks make no sense.

Anonymous said...

That’s the main issue… most professors think they are intellectually equipped, but they do lack common sense. Only time will tell…

Bob said...

What is "common sense?" A mere fall back expression when a writer or speaker has little or nothing substantive to say or write.

Anonymous said...

Too much ivermectin I’m guessing.

Anonymous said...

Professor Cosgrove, you happened to be my former professor. I could confirm that you never had anything substantive to say, thus these terrible ratings from your students: https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=95515

8:16, Let's just say, let's see who will have the last laugh...

You have been so drugged with vaccines, yet you are still not willing to go back to work.

Amy said...

Oooh, Rate My Professor, such a credible peer reviewed site!

We don't believe you 10:22, you with your dull axe, your pretend multiple characters with the same vocabulary and syntax tics, your thematic repetitions.

You are not a student. Students don't spend their time on the blog. They just don't. You are not a former student of Bob's nor a female Muslim student who will find her way to this blog to confide her experience but not speak to HR or any administrator.

You are, I suspect, a sad angry guy somewhere. I believe the young people call what you do "shit posting." I don't even think you believe all of it.

Roy and Rebel Girl, I cast my vote for turning off anonymous comments in the new year for awhile. Please. People will keep reading. Obviously more people read than comment anyway.

Roy Bauer said...

I assume that decent and intelligent people can tell the difference between someone with something to say and a mere crank or troll. So Mr. shit-for-brains doesn't bother me all that much.
On the other hand, Lisa and I have been more frustrated than usual by the persistence of the one or two trolls who have decided to make their home here of late. It's a drag to see your blog dragged down by one or two idiots. So, maybe we'll do something a little different for a while.
Stay tuned.

Rebel Girl said...

So, for now, folks who want to comment can do so with their Google account. It's true that our numbers of readers are far greater than those who comment.

Okay, back to grading...

DW said...

Looks like SOCCCD won't decide until next Wednesday at Chancellors Executive Council what our response will be.

Rebel Girl said...

Right, DW. FYI, looks like LA is staying the course for now:


It could be that our relatively late start will protect us from the worst of the latest variant surge. I know I am looking forward to returning to the classroom.

However, the OC numbers are concerning:


Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...