Looks like the board is finally returning from closed session.
6:55 - Marcia Milchiker calls the meeting to order.
They take attendance. Evidently, one of the trustees is joining from home, i.e., via Zoom.
Terri Whitt Rydell is at home. She seems to have the sniffles.
Marcia alerts the public to their ability to comment by raising their hand via Zoom. 2 minute time limit, she adds.
Chancellor Burke notes that we've jumped ahead of agenda order, let's get back on track.
Turns meeting over to Marcia. Marcia calls the meeting to order again.
Chancellor reports action in closed session: 7-0, board took action to release a classified administrator
![]() |
Chair Marcia Milchiker |
Jemal leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
Absurdly, Rydell is heard loudly pledging alone at home, seemingly a few seconds later than the rest of the board. Is she in a time warp?
Marcia lays out public comment rules. 20 minutes tops on any topic. No doubt that rule was devised to prevent the kind of endless clueless Trumpian commentary with which many other legislative bodies are afflicted these days. [Whew!]
5 speakers have turned in requests. Marcia lets 'em loose:
Nancy Rucker: Teaches in district; in support of vaccine mandate. Reads statistics that persuaded her to get vaccine, support mandate.
Most Covid deaths are among the unvaccinated. In Calif., unvaccinated were seven times more likely to get Covid. 18 times more likely to die... Etc.
Thanks board for decision (in favor of mandate)
Roy B: (Huh?! How did that happen? Don't know. I must have hit the "raised hand" button by accident.) I said I supported the mandate.
Melanie H: been faculty for 25 years. Thanks the board for vaccine mandate. Wanted to provide voice of faculty.
Lindsay Steinreid?: Teacher here at Saddleback. Speaking on mandate. Please reconsider options provided in it. She doesn't think people should be forced to get injections against their will. Students urged options for testing, etc. Please give more options!Seth Hochwald: Longtime IVC instructor. Asking for weekly testing option for those with grave concerns over Covid vaccine. Covid-19 vaccine fails to.... (goes through dubious list of alleged risks, failings). Must allow testing for those who do not want vaccines. So put in place a weekly testing option. [He then says:] My wife would like to speak, too. Also: Will employees be fired if they don't get vaccines?
Wife: No vaccine mandate for Congress.... vaccine does not eradicate the disease.... tyranny of the majority... Covid vaccine can cause disease. Blah blah blah, she says. Need a weekly testing option. I will hold you responsible for any side effects my husband suffers!
Marcia: sure, we'll look into all these things.
Deanna Scherger: full time English instructor. Strong support for mandate. Thanks. Deanna's the coordinator of the writing center. A beautiful space, but no windows open and must keep doors closed. 120 capacity. Sheesh! Students shouldn't have to fear Covid. Mandate good. Thanks for your leadership.
Kurt M: I want to thank you for taking reasonable steps to insure that all employees have a safe working environment. Thank you for following the law. Thank you for following the science. (Gives details.) Thanks for following vast majority of district staff, who support vaccine mandate. Thank you for fulfilling your obligations, safety measures, etc.
Hunter H: Marine Corps veteran, employee in kinesiology program. Refers to harshness of mandate. GI bill requires...that students take in-person classes, but no can do. Veterans will be negatively impacted by this mandate. I'm also a Christian, he says. (He appeals to First amendment. Religious beliefs, teachings of "Holy Bible.") Stem cells were used to develop of Covid-19 vaccines. He gets cut off, 'cause he's over his two minutes.
Denay M: mother of 4. I failed math at Saddleback years ago. But, owing to some legislation, I can take those classes again. But it is against my religion, she says, to be vaccinated. Having to be tested at own expense is unacceptable. I am required to take 1 in-person class per semester, GI Bill. (She's audibly tearful.) If this is implemented, I will be turned away from school yet again. Why do we have to be tested twice a week next semester? This will take away people's education! (Tears.)
Stacy: you're already directing unvaccinated students to enroll in online classes, without informing them about legal options for exemption! Help me understand why you are segregating students in this way. I watched last month's meeting. What you're doing is illegal and you will be held accountable!
Marcia: thanks, we do want our students to know their options.
One of the trustees asked: hasn't it been 20 minutes on this topic? Almost, but not quite, says the Marcian.
Zimbalist: please do have weekly option of testing. You should remain neutral about whether a student should or should not get vaccinated. (She seems pissed.)
Diangelo Hunter: student body president, IVC: As a veteran, as student, commend you for passing the mandate. People are dying, too many people. All voices heard at IVC. Thank you all for stepping up, saving lives. Thank you. [He was pretty eloquent, despite my minimal notes.]
Marcia: that's 20 minutes: we appreciate your thoughtful comments, everybody. Will now be moving on.
They call for a break owing to "technical difficulties."
. . .
7:32 - We're back, says Marcia
Now reports:
Student trustee speaks. (Selana?) Pumpkin carving contests, etc.Trustee Inmon: Ain't we got marvelous student leaders? Went to grand opening of stadium! Wanted to provide "the university experience," said Pres. Stern. Liked that. Alluded to breast cancer month. Mentions domestic violence month as well: the "silent killer." We need to be willing to talk about it, she says.
Trustee Jay: Oct. 2, attended opening of new stadium. A great event. Oct 21 - IVC Annual giving day. IVC's 36th anniversary. Mentions student refugee fund.
Trustee Jemal: don't have much to add. Agrees about opening of the stadium, which was fabulous. (Refers to "our college." Sheesh.) Building a sense of community, etc. It's a destination now. I did attend the sneak peak for the Saddleback College Foundation.... Star of show was Gabby Jackson...a powerful performance by talented young lady!
Trustee Prendergast: I won't repeat what others said about the Stadium... [He concurs, natch.]
Trustee Wright: Saddleback College opened new stadium "of arts"? Alludes to remarks there by members of the board. All seven trustees were there and local elected officials too. "The football team is not doing very well right now," he bluntly declares. Lays out their miserable record. Also attended SC Foundation "sneak peak" reception. (Wright seems really to be missing a beat or two, gosh.) Finally: I got my third shot, Moderna (seems to slur speech?).
Trustee Rydell: mentions the "plant sale." Blah blah blah. (That's what I heard.)
Trustee Marcia Milchiker: fabulous new stadium opening. "I did a lot of standup comedy," she says. Also mentions Foundation event, talented singer there. Attended SC literary magazine event; magazine called "the Wall." The Wall has won many awards, including the Pacemaker Award. The plant sale was great. Theatrical plays are coming up at the colleges. Thank you.
Associated student government reports:SC students: still support mandate. Applauds those who take a differing view, their courage. But I disagree, says this kid. But also support free speech, all freedoms.
IVC students [Hunter]: talks about upcoming "online" retreat. Awesome. Title 9 training. Respectful communication training. Day of Dead festival coming up, located behind IVC PAC. Working on web designs to get our voices heard. Special shout-out to IVC Foundation reaching goals. Volleyball team is killing it, he says.
IVC Faculty Academic Senate Prez, Dan D: four things tonight. I will be attending (with others) the Plenary Session for state Ac Senate. I'd like to mention 4 words of thanks. Vice Chanc. Bob B—thanks to him, providing leadership, the difficult immediate switch to online. Thanks Kathleen Burke for great leadership. These leaders are under great pressures, given Covid, etc. Special thanks to ASIVC and especially to Hunter for his public comments. Civic engagement as a civic virtue—or some such thing. Thanks to Board of Trustees: exercised fiduciary responsibilities. Thanks for leadership!
Saddleback College Ac Senate, Margot Lovett: echoes Dan's remarks, thanks to Bob B, et al. Wants to thank board for leadership re Covid and the mandate. [At the last meeting,] we heard many who were opposed to mandate. Some of them didn't even know the name of the college—Saddleback Valley or some such—or even that outs is a college district! Evidently, some of these people are not residents. Here are the statistics of district employees: 93% of admin 91% of classified mangers, 88% of full-time faculty, 81% of police officers — fully vaccinated. The overwhelming majority of district, majority of staff in favor of vaccination, mandate. "You did the right thing last month," and your actual constituents are more than grateful!
Marcia: thanks for the stats. Couldn't have said it better.
Lewis Long of faculty union: colleagues have stolen most of my thunder. Echoes gratitude to Bob B, Kathleen Burke, leadership during difficult time. Much attention to support of vaccine mandate. I just want to point out that faculty members are in unique position: often in close proximity to many students. Overwhelming majority of faculty support vaccine mandate, also necessary for safety of students. 88% of full-time faculty have uploaded proof of vaccination (real number actually higher). I deeply respect others' differing views. But we need to rely on science, not conspiracy theories, etc. Thanks to board for decision....
7:58 - IVC Classified Senate: Desiree O: raising funds for scholarship,... Supporting first generation college students. Huge marketing campaign online. Thank you.
No board requests for reports
Item 5.1 - solicit inputs: Composition of trustee areas.Opens the hearing.
Chancellor Burke provides an introduction....
Marcia: Paul Mitchell will speak. "Mr. Mitchell, the floor is yours!"
Mitchell: (we hear nothing) Marcia suggests that Mitchell is muted. Still nothing. "Can you unmute yourself?," someone asks.
He finally can be heard. He says he's back, but then again we hear nothing.
Some technical snafu persists.
Finally, we see Mitchell, though he seems unable to control his slide show.
He proceeds, now visible. What is redistricting? A: undergone every 10 years. True for many things, not just college district. To ensure equal voting rights. This has become very political. Continuing law suits.
Redistricting principles: basic principle: based on residents, not voters. Mitchell says a series of reasonable things about how to redistrict. Mentions various issues.
Shows current district areas: map. Then chart with data.
This is less-than-scintillating. So I'm gonna bail.
You can watch the meeting yourself: https://socccd.zoom.us/j/98051988626?pwd=endNSEZNclRUclFScVNFbFFNRndiUT09
Here are some graphics I was planning to use for tonight's meeting:
Tonight, I was pleasantly surprised by the Lack o' Wackos, the Dearth of Dunderheads, the Paucity of Pea-brained Pillocks.
Obviously, I'm a bit of a C. Crumb fan, despite his, um, issues. I'd use more images of men but, in my haste, I couldn't find many that I liked.
Live blogging is back!!!!!!!
The faculty leaders did so well last night. Margo Lovett's stats and remarks impressive. The trustees need to recognize the urgency of the moment. Weekly testing is not enough and will lead to even more uncertainty for students and staff.
Margo has had years of prep for the post she now holds. And she uses that training and experience to go to the heart of the matter.
Seth's wife also mentioned unvaccinated hordes streaming acorss our southern border. Sigh. How can people expect students to be tested twice a week when they can't even do their homework?
I don’t understand the suggestion that the vaccine is objectionable because of fetal cell testing unless you consistently adhere to this concern in all aspects of life (and if one truly did, then I would support religious exemption). Cosmetics and many modern medicines including over the counter items like sunscreen and NSAIDS use the same genetic sequence as did the Regeneron treatment touted by the right. The cherry picking and connection to religious objection seems disingenuous to me. Even the Pope called the vaccine “an act of love.”
Do people care more about the cells from the 1960s than the living and as yet unvaccinated children of the people on campus? 600 kids have died and thousands are dealing with long covid.
I just don’t understand why caring about public health of others is not a concern. Natural immunity is a privilege of the few, the insured, the young, the healthy, and the lucky. Vaccine mandates are not new. Do we want to bring back polio? Measles? Tetanus?
The vaccine is new, but so are ground breaking medical treatments that cure or alleviate all sorts of health issues. The pace of science and discovery has increased. That’s a good thing in this scenario.
I think what people want is to not have to take a new vaccine and for covid to go away. But that’s not a choice. The choice is vaccinate or never get out of this cycle. And there are too many vulnerable people, including members of our district, for the cycle to continue.
RE: the expressed concerns of some of the vets who spoke: I have a vet in my synchronous online class right now. Veteran students can meet that requirement by enrolling in a synchronous online class if they don't wish to be vaccinated. Also, while in the military they were subject to required vaccinations.
Well said 5:37 a.m. If a community college is a c o m m u n I t y, then we must be concerned about the health and well being of the people who work there, students who study there, and folks who come on the campus daily.
You are all DRUGGED! You all need to take drug, alcohol, and moral tests especially those two union leaders!!
5:37 AM--vaccine is your choice! Do not impose your choice upon those who cannot take it. Some people have medical condition that doctors believe could be worsened by vaccination. Respect people's privacy and human rights! You are not medical professionals! You are pushing this based on your political obsession, and you should be ashamed of yourselves! These union people should take responsibility for the significant decrease of students!
Yes, the same people who negotiated for full-timers at the expense of part-timers. $4,000 for full-timers, plus increase, and they’re talking about parity. .Give me a break! There will never be parity—these negotiators are all full-timers except for one timid par-timer. The part-time rep is under their control as well!
Medical exemptions are a part of the mandate - medical advice is to get the vaccine and have mandates. I have no political agenda. Public health should NEVER be politicized. I choose not to breathe the air of covid anti-vaxxers. That’s the choice I want. Shame on you for not caring about the 700,000 who have died and doing nothing to mitigate it.
Should we drop all vaccine mandates for children? Bring back polio? Chicken pox was fun.
5:37's comments are misguided. If a person has a serious medical condition, and/or has a compromised immune system, then that person is exempt from vaccination and must submit to tests according to the policy of the district. When will so many people finally understand that not being vaccinated puts the unvaccinated person at risk AND THOSE AROUND THEM AS WEll. That is the reason why being vaccinated is crucial in order to stop the spread of this disease. It a communicable disease and we can all be carriers. Please stop making this a political issue. It is not.
As far as part time faculty salaries is concerned, the faculty association has worked very hard to provide raises to them. Is it parity yet By no means. It is slowly getting there. Years ago, part time faculty had no health benefits at all. They can now receive $500 a month to help cover the costs of their health insurance. Is it enough_ By no means. There have been significant improvements. In the latest contract, the part time faculty is receiving , proportionally, a higher raise than full time faculty. Please, stop demonizing. Yes, there is a long way to go. But honest efforts are being made.
So, unvaccinated students or faculty with exemptions are allowed to attend classes on campus. Unvaccinated BIG donors are okay to attend district’s events. The same faculty who fiercely advocate for the vaccine mandate are the same faculty you would see traveling or meeting at restaurants—who’s spreading the virus now? Bunch of hypocrites! Where’s your logic? Yes, public health should never be politicized, but it IS, and you’re all part of it. You should be ashamed of yourself for calling people who are anti-mandate “COVID anti-vaxxers.” I wouldn’t be surprised if this is how you treat students! People are against the mandate, not necessarily the vaccine, but you union leaders would say otherwise because you are controlled by the Biden administration. Don’t talk about polio—I know of people who had polio after getting the vaccine. Vaccine, like any others, is not a one-size-fit-all cure! There are vaccinated people who are anti-mandate because they respect people’s rights. You people don’t! There are vaccinated people who get COVID because they assume they’re COVID-resistant thus ignoring the health guidelines.
“Shame on you for not caring about the 700,000 who have died and doing nothing to mitigate it.” How sure are you that those 700,000 died from COVID? How sure are you that I have done nothing to mitigate it? I bet that you have traveled and eaten at many restaurants than I have! I bet that I have strictly observed the health guidelines more that you have. And, if I have the opportunity, I can show you photos and videos of union leaders who are guilty of this! So stop your BS!
6:18 You’re making a lot of assumptions. And your arguments fail to make any standard of critical thought. No one has the right to endanger others with dangerous decisions based on conspiracy and fear.
And, not that it’s your business, but I haven’t even been to a grocery store or indoor restaurant or been on a plane since 2020. I’ve taken as many precautions to prevent the spread of covid as within the realm of possibility. But, the most important one to stop the spread: getting vaccinated.
Science. Public health. Period.
You do not have the right to decide to endanger other people.
That. Is. Not. A. Right.
That is your stupid opinion! You are NOT a medical professional! Who are you to say that the unvaccinated endanger people? You and your own small world! I am vaccinated and I strictly follow the health protocols. There are many unvaccinated people who do the same - follow the strict health guidelines. If you are confident about the efficacy of the vaccine you received and you follow the strict health protocols, then what are you worried about, dodo? It’s either you’re vaccinated in your head or you still cannot get over your political obsession! Your control issue and illogical reasoning only make it more difficult to convince others to get vaccinated!
I’m worried about the people who need the medical exemptions and legitimately cannot get vaccinated. Children under five. People with cancer. Older people whose vaccine responses aren’t strong.
I’m worried about other people.
Who calls someone a dodo? Seriously.
The scene as UCI enters its midterms of this quarter is a good one. Vaccination mandates in place as well as masking. So far, so good. Looking to returning to IVC in the Spring.
10:40 pm—and now you’re worried about them? You just stated that they endanger other people! T.H.I.N.K. Let people choose and be compassionate! You are making these people uncomfortable!
“Who calls someone a dodo?“ - You Faculty! Check the social media… you faculty call people you haven’t even met personally names—names worse than dodo. You retweet cuss words for all students to see, and you’re taking about “worrying about other people?” Give me a break!
Unvaccinated people who cannot legitimately get vaccinated can spread and be a risk. That does not mean I hold them in contempt and wish them ill or place any blame. Children fall in this group for goodness sake.
There’s a different between can’t get vaccinated and won’t because you’re rejecting scientific guidance.
Who are you even taking to? Retweeting? Cussing at students? There is no one group called “all faculty.” Goodness. I’m going to stop here. I’m sure you’ll have to get the last word. Go ahead with the nonsense.
You are so confusing… and confused! I don’t want to be in your class!
And… go back to work… your students have been in the breakout rooms for so long!!
7:45 - What is your "standard of critical thought" -- mandating everyone to get vaccinated against their will? "No one has the right to endanger others with dangerous decisions based on conspiracy and fear." Tell this to yourselves... this is exactly what you vaccine mandate advocates are trying to do. You are all convinced that vaccine is effective, yet you are all fearful of getting COVID? Is that the critical thinking you're referring to?
"I haven’t even been to a grocery store or indoor restaurant or been on a plane since 2020." - LIAR! So what have you been eating... weeds from your backyard? No wonder...
"Science. Public health. Period." - Yes, Fauci's science!
Don't feed the trolls.
I don't work at this district and don't attend classes. I have no ulterior motives. I also have nothing to fear from this unvaccinated, uninformed, illiterate, moron. YOU are why we haven't been able to move on from this pandemic! YOU ASSHOLE! You and all your stupid, ignorant friends with your zero logic and irrational ranting! This vaccine will be a way of life going forward. Just like vaccines for small pox, polio, HPV, etc. You are like a child that won't take your cough medicine because it tastes bad. YOU DO NOT have the right to put others in danger just like you can't drive through a red light, you moron! Get your shot or go in the desert with the rest of your moronic Q-Anon/anti-vaxx buddies and just leave society. We won't miss you. Oh, btw...go fuck your self!
5:38-- Thank you, Roy! You don't have to remain anonymous! You are an excellent example of the faculty mentioned above. When you cannot provide a valid argument, you resort to name calling and cussing, or you delete the posts. C.O.W.A.R.D.
If you truly don't work at this district nor attend classes here, why then are you here? D.E.S.P.E.R.A.T.E!
6:21, I did not write the comment (at 5:38). Unlike YOU, I never comment anonymously.
By the way, how much commission are you getting from this vaccine aside from the $1,000 incentive? $4,000, plus salary increase, plus rubbing elbows with the administrators and trustees? Not enough to sell your body and soul...
The pandemic is gone, but you are spreading the virus because you are not following the strict guidelines. If you are seen at restaurants, traveling all over the place, and not observing health guidelines, you think your vaccine and mask would work?
Just two years ago, you faculty, were making fun of Asian students who were wearing a mask. Because Biden wants you to wear one, then it's okay now even if you can't breath!
6:31, I don't understand your remarks. I did not accept the $1,000, for I was opposed to the incentive (faculty should be getting the vaccine as part of their civic duty). I don't now what this $4k is you refer to.
I'm not following the strict guidelines? What on earth are you on about?
Making fun of Asian students? Huh?
Please, please, go away.
Show your vaccine card, Roy! lol lol lol
1:07 -- please show your mental health card.
Well, I don't have a "mental health" card, but I do have a vaccine card. It's here.
The reference was not to you Roy but to the taunter at 1:07. He or she needs counseling.
Ah, yes. But I do have a vaccine card, showing that I got both vaccines. Looking forward to getting the booster (Moderna).
Roy is doing a monologue here… lmao
8:19 AM…you mean if your students don’t agree with the vaccine MANDATE (even if they’re vaccinated), you consider them mentally ill and you ask for their mental health card and send them to counseling. What a horrible professor you are!
Those professors who advocated for the vaccine MANDATE at the board meeting are nothing but a bunch of self-centered professors who just want to talk about themselves and waste people’s time with nonsense. I’ve been with the district for decades—these two union leaders are notorious for being attention seekers.
you sound fun.
@11:17, Oct26, “Seth's wife also mentioned unvaccinated hordes streaming acorss our southern border. Sigh.” - You hypocrite, why don’t you adopt all of these unvaccinated people?
Effective November 8, Biden is mandating foreign nationals from all over the world, who are “legally” entering the US, to present a vaccination card. No vaccination card, no entry!! Since Biden took over, he has allowed countless of unvaccinated “illegal” immigrants cross the border. Sigh??? No, it’s politically incorrect!!! Yes, critical thinking and logic… go ahead, cuss more!
@7:49pm - - Your obsession for Kurt and politics has totally driven you nuts, and your cutesy gestures at the meetings are nauseating 🤮
I'm surprised the usual suspects didn't get seriously riled when I called them "free riders." And that's what they are, I think. People who refuse to do their part (masks, vaccines) when the chips are down and we've got to work together. If there ever were such a time, this is it.
And they stand there defiantly endangering the lives of others, imagining that they are patriots.
I talk a lot about this in my Ethics class, too. When there's a terrible challenge, we need to work together to face it. Like adults. Not like children.
Good Lord, what will the future bring? I'm old. I don't think I'll see the shite hit the fan. But hit it it will, I'm afraid.
Question: if Seth and his wife are worried about unvaccinaated immigrants, why aren't THEY vaccinated? Or at they just worried about immigrants?
I have been traveling during the pandemic as my job requires it. I am not vaccinated, and I am not obsessed with politics. I strictly follow the guidelines (I always wear a mask when I go out, sanitize, sleep well, take supplements, exercise, etc). I respect both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. When I am on the plane, we have to unmask in order to drink or eat--this bothers me, as being unmasked defeats the purpose of avoiding COVID--but that's the rule. Being asked to wear a mask is uncomfortable, especially if you are on a plane for over 15 hours, but that's tolerable. However, I will never cower to the government's mandate of getting myself vaccinated! I know that some of you take pleasure in injecting LSD into your body, but I don't. I respect my body. Your district should mandate drug and alcohol testing instead! Reading the posts above, I am concerned about your rationale behind the mandate. Thay are so irrational and most of you resort to insulting, cussing, and name calling because you are caught in your lies.
Has any of you left your home and traveled to the third world countries during the pandemic? I have. I have been to remote provinces where people are unvaccinated and unmasked. They do not have COVID in those areas, but the media report the opposite.
When I see people walking outside unmasked, they don't bother me. I am masked and I protect myself well. Why would I worry about them? It is their choice and right. Why can't you people let go of your control issue? What makes you think that those unmasked and unvaccinated people are COVID-infected and/or transmitters of COVID, and you, vaccinated people, are not? Let's see when you all go back to your campus in spring--good luck to all of you--I will be monitoring!
I am not confined in my house (like many of you people claim) worrying about how to force others to get a vaccination. You never will because you are imposing it upon them. You are only making it worse, and you are dividing the country.
Do you think you won this battle because your administrators and board approved the vaccine mandate? They are not "tenured" and you full-time faculty are. They have a job/position to protect because you put many of them in those positions... but they will have a rude awakening when the lawsuits start pouring in! It is just a matter of time...
8:43...typical democrat logic. First, learn how to spell because most of your posts here have a lot of misspelled words, and you're also notorious for that!
Did Seth and his wife say that they are worried about getting COVID from unvaccinated immigrants? I'm not surprised if you did not get his wife's point. You are probably drugged with your third vaccine! Instead of giving irrational statement, why don't you respond to 9:09 PM to make you more credible? If you can give a valid argument or response, I will have myself vaccinated against my will and ask to be transferred to your IVC campus!
And by the way, tell your "obsession" to stop talking about "professional and ethical obligations" because he is notorious for fooling around with students and employees of the districts.
Who is this universal “you” that you keep directing your posts to 9:53? There’s a lot of different people commenting here. That’s how comments work on social media/blogs.
Dear Troll(s) under the Blog Bridge:
Please get over typos for spelling errors which somehow in your brain equate for intelligence (resisting urge to comment on omitted articles and much more concerning logical fallacies - ooops! I failed!).
Stay online. Teach online. Learn online. Don't get vaccinated.
Let the rest of us return to the classroom. Thanks.
You can always return to the classroom! Don’t use the vaccination as an excuse for your laziness. You can eat in the restaurants and travel all over… why can’t you go back and take care of the students? Ooops, the students are gone! Good luck!
@10:49 pm. That’s what happens when you miss too many meetings. LOL! I hope you didn’t lose sleep over this! By the way, we know how social media/blogs work, and we don’t call people “trolls” when they do not agree with the vaccine mandate.
You’re talking about critical thinking, logic, fallacies, etc., but none of you has explained why you’re afraid of getting COVID while you are convinced that vaccines are really effective! You just say “science” - whose/which science? In spring22, (assuming that everyone who enters your campus has been vaccinated), you will have to prove or guarantee to us that none of you gets COVID. You probably won’t if you are masked and you strictly follow the COVID protocols.
Let’s see how your science works. Let’s also hope that your students would hear/understand you (with your face covered with a mask) and that you would not lose your voice nor have a sore throat as you scream for hours.
4:17, hey, is that you D.E.?
No, I’m not, 2:37PM
7:49pm— hey, I know you’re M.H. and I know who your “obsession” this person is talking about. It’s loud and clear… stop acting like a teenager; it doesn’t fit a 50-plus-year-old woman.
Nothing quite like a man telling a person he imagines is a woman how to act. Very special indeed.
5:39PM, hey is that a quote from Shakespeare? Ha! I want to attend your class, but please don't tell me how to be anti-racist and how OSHA works. Here is how OSHA actually works: https://youtu.be/6g8V4FrKLjU
Please do not represent the faculty...you would end up embarrassing YOURSELVES big time! Telling the higher-ups about their fulfillment of "professional and ethical obligations" will not bail you out of your Title IX violations. Just wait and see. People will start coming out.
What a shit show this has become. Moronic troll needs a hobby, desperately!
What a sad state. You faculty are not only dividing the nation. You allow yourselves to be divided by politics--at the expense of quality education. I respectfully request that you focus on your profession and start serving the students again. Money is not everything, and this is all about money.
2:37 pm it’s R.B. Lol
Who is D.E. the moronic troll? What post(s) didn’t you like that make(s) D.E. a moron? Stop calling names and please respond to the questions here logically. If the posts don’t fit your political beliefs, you call them morons?
You do not have to have a political science background—just an average IQ—to realize that when you involve yourself with politics, people will start scrutinizing your personal/professional integrity, like many of you do with politicians you don’t even know personally. Thus, be prepared for this—you might end up being asked to undergo a drug test for pushing your unreasonable vaccine mandate. You know, things can go the opposite way, especially that non-partisan national (even worldwide) protests are happening now.
To that so-called troll who was talking about the Title IX violations… give it up. As you have witnessed during the past board meetings, these administrators and trustees will forever cower to these faculty. Corruption will continue, and they will never lift a finger until a class action lawsuit is filed.
The board should ask the Quid Pro Quo Queen why she’s teaching online in spring if she’s vaccinated. She’s fiercely fighting for the vaccine mandate for what? Get out of your basement, lazy …!
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