Tuesday, July 23, 2013

(SOCCCD) district "climate" survey: results are in

     Chancellor Gary Poertner has emailed the district community, providing a link to the District wide climate survey, conducted last fall (it’s the 8th item that appears on the page).
     As always, you’ll be most entertained (and edified) by the “verbatim responses” of Appendix A. (See Verbatim responses.)
     I only glanced through the report, but it did seem to me that people had lots to say about an unhealthy rivalry between the two colleges--and some discreditable tensions between the two college presidents. Also, as usual, there were lots of complaints about communication and the quality and conduct of top administration at IVC. It amazes me that the P and VP at IVC still have their jobs.
     Here are a few results (I offer them to induce you to read the report in full!) (Click on graphics to enlarge them):

Pretty miserable participation rate

Skewed toward classified staff. Pathetic faculty response

Question 24: hmmm, this seems to reflect IVC reality

Most questions give the "object of assessment" the predictable B type grade. This one seems to give it a mere C+

A relatively high score

This questions strikes me as unclear. Does "district leadership" include the two college presidents?

Good. (It's a good thing they didn't specify "by the VPI," I guess.)

Not surprised.



No surprise here.

Well, that result is pretty clear, I'd say

Wow, quite a result.  36% agree! But who's doing the circumventing?

More than 42% agree!

43% agree? Good grief

Well, slightly more disagree than agree


Anonymous said...

I hope the Chancellor and Board are reading this. If they can't tell that the Administration and leadership at IVC is severely lacking and Glenn allows bullies to run the college then they should quit doing surveys. Seems like the same stuff...the questions have been asked, answered and still nothing gets done and no changes are made.

Anonymous said...

Just clean house in A100...get rid of Glenn, Craig, Linda and Richard and get some real talent and leadership. I'll bet the new crew won't even require new furniture! How many times have we remodeled and refurnitured A100 anyway? Meanwhile the campus goes begging for anything that wasn't around when the campus was built. Ergonomics...hah!

Anonymous said...

I believe that IVC's A-100 has been remodeled very 2-3 years for the last 12. Once it was remodeled because a red floor was put in - and YOU KNOW - we can't have red. Meanwhile, the majority of classes are taught in less than effective settings. Our working conditions are our student's learning conditions. I still wish the chancellor and the trustees would tour the classrooms at IVC - and not the new ones. the old ones where most of the teaching goes on.

Yes, interesting survey. Too bad the majority of teaching staff did not participate.

Anonymous said...

You should post a "Best of" the survey comments. The open ended feedback was quite pointed and revealing...

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