Well, according to today’s OC Reg, Reeve’s Neanderthalic proposal has been rejected. Last night, relatively safe and sane members of the City Council decided that allowing guns in the park would make people feel unsafe, and, besides, it would brand the city as some kind of Wild West. That’s bad for business, man.
But Reeve claims that the decision to preserve the old rule puts the city in legal jeopardy!
…Reeve said the city rule could prompt a lawsuit. City Attorney Omar Sandoval said the rule likely was created about 10 years ago and that there hasn't been a lawsuit since.Um, dude. What about that?
San Juan Capistrano resident Steve Behmerwohld said, "If you hadn't brought the whole thing up, I think the chances of us being sued (would be) a lot less."
Reeve offered a lame retort:
"There's already been talk about going after cities. I saw that, and that's why I'm trying to head it off at the pass."Going after “cities,” eh? But not SJC in particular?
You’re an asshole.
Evidently, the Council also shot down Reeve’s idea to allow fishing in city creeks.
IRVINE IS CLEAN, ISN'T IT? Meanwhile, today in court a former Irvine Planning Commissioner pleaded guilty to felony interstate wire fraud. Read about it in the OC Reg.
His name is David R. Sparks. He’s described as a “family man.” No doubt he’s very pious, too. He could spend some serious time in prison polishing his piety.
I noticed that Sparks was a contributor to Don Wagner’s 2010 run for the State Assembly.
Just sayin’.
Don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but Reeve's proposal was so odd to begin with -- ppl can carry UNLOADED guns (?!) -- I'm glad it was shot down. Perhaps I'm missin' something, but what's the point of an unloaded gun? To fool someone? Beat them with it? Show it off to admirers? Keep the gun in one place and ammo in a fanny pack? I just don't get it.
Well, you get to carry bullets, too, just not loaded in the gun. So I figure these gun nuts think that having a gun in your holster (or in you hand) with bullets in your pocket is as close to "freedom" as they can expect to get.
You had a picture about a year ago of a couple of smirking dolts showing off their empty holsters, apparently indicating that they were gun loving americans protesting in some way the fact that they were being denied their right to openly carry a gun.
There's something peculiarly Freudian about this urge to have an exterior metal penis that we all get to see.
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