Friday, May 14, 2010

The Morning Matinee: Can I Have an Extension?


Anonymous said...

Who made this one? It's good. I like the third wall stuff and the hand gestures. I really like the student's voice. Can I have her number? Can I have extra credit? What can I do to get what i want despite my having screwed up multiple times? Why are you so unreasonable? Is there extra credit? I want her number.

Ca'pnPedagoge said...

The student here is an accurate representation of our students. The prof seems a bit uptight and hard-assed. "Rules are rules"? But I do like the way she gets clear. Gotta talk slow, use small words. End of story. Now move on.
Which brings us to the nib or the pokie, or something. Namely: students think "second chances" never run out. They seem genuinely shocked when they do.
One thing though. How come the lovely Prof has brown legs? Plus white socks?

Anonymous said...

A time machine! I'll have to use that in the future!

Bohrstein said...

Boy, it's a good thing you made the professor an elderly female. The lines, "I am willing to do anything," are engrained in me to only be used in a suggestive manner.

I'm reminded of this:

Roy Bauer said...

Elderly!? "No more soup for you!"

AOR said...

I can't believe I sent this back to you after getting it on Facebook via somebody who got it from . . . you!

So now you know (1) I didn't check your blog last week, (2) those who did were active about it, and (3) what goes around, comes around.

Lovely work. I shared it even more, and now Saddleback has new videos on extra credit and missing class. Film festival soon, I think.

Roy Bauer said...

Film festival? Sounds good.

AOR said...

Ca'pnPedagoge, the Prof has brown legs and white socks because -- with a few extraordinary exceptions -- we female academics don't dress ourselves well. Our students believe that our inability to be fashionable is what condemned us to a life of academia in the first place. The secret, of course, is that drab dress is one of a woman's best Idiot Filters.

I happen to have white socks on at this very moment.

Bohrstein said...

No socks and flip flops, everyday, when I'm a professor.

But Bohrstein! What if is raining?

Peh! No socks. Flip Flops. I might wear a trench coat, but I'm still wearing shorts.

(I'm not trying to filter anything, I really don't know how to dress myself).


Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...