Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Watch our new Chancellor hire consultant

Streaming video of the March 25 meeting of the SOCCCD Board of Trustees is now available here.

Under “Archived videos,” click on “video” for “Board of Trustees March 25, 2010.”

Then “jump to” 9.1 (Hiring consultant presentations). Or just go straight to 24:40 into the video.

As I recall, the first presenter was ultimately hired by the board based in part (I think) on David Bugay’s recommendation. It was the predictable 4/3 vote, with Wagner, Milchiker, Padberg, and Jay prevailing. Back on the 25th, I reported

First at bat was Community College Search Services (CCSS), represented by a fellow named (John?) Romo. He sounded like he knew what he was doing. CCSS evidently helped with the hire of the State Chancellor. Sounds like CCSS does the first interviews. They do all the reference checking. They usually help with a “public forum.”

I assume that CCSS will conform to our board policy on Chancellor hires (4011.6). Don't really know, though.

Meanwhile, in the Chronicle of Higher Education...

Some Papers Are Uploaded to Bangalore to Be Graded (Chronicle of Higher Education)

A company offers to send students' work offshore, to be evaluated by master's level—but anonymous—graders acting as "virtual TA's."

Lori Whisenant knows that one way to improve the writing skills of undergraduates is to make them write more. But as each student in her course in business law and ethics at the University of Houston began to crank out—often awkwardly—nearly 5,000 words a semester, it became clear to her that what would really help them was consistent, detailed feedback….


BvT said...

Romos' presentation starts at 24:40. It's ten minutes long (followed by Q&A).

Anonymous said...

Romos' presentation starts at 24:40 and lasts for about ten minutes. Followed by Q and A.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...