Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No handlers?

As OC Weekly’s Nick Schou notes, local “birther” queenpin Orly Taitz was interviewed yesterday on MSNBC by David Shuster and Tamron Brown. It didn’t go so well--Schou describes it as a "meltdown." (I can't help but think that her thick accent is a huge disadvantage. A little generosity please?)

Taitz is seriously unsavvy about this sort of thing, it seems—it does not occur to her to just get to the point—and so she seems even wackier and more clueless than she actually is.

I guess.

Clearly, the woman doesn't have handlers. If she does, they're Obamaphiles, fer sher.

Remember the recent "wedding/dance" video? It has inspired a spoof:


tylerh said...


Orly is known quantity here in Irvine.

If anything, she's even crazier then she appears. I mean that in a medical sense. To quote someone who has spent a lot of time dealing with Orly, "It's sad to see someone so bright and hardworking cause so much damage because she won't take her meds." It's really all very sad.

Roy Bauer said...

Yes, we must stay on our meds! This has become an indispensable rule of modern life.

But what explains all those other "birther" jokers?

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...