Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The inevitability of Hannity-bashing

Some readers might be interested in a post I just left on my other blog. It is entitled: The inevitability of Hannity-bashing.

Part of my "bashing" series.


Anonymous said...

I saw Carville the other day, and actually found him to be well mannered and fairly restrained. I wouldn't put him in the same sentence as Hannity.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Carville is stupid (Hannity is as smart as the average junkyard dog). But he plainly views himself as an advocate for the Democratic Party--the kind that defends indiscriminately, routinely defending the manifestly indefensible. Is that terrible? No. Here's why. Hannity is the advocate of "Republican base" Bushism while Carville is the advocate of (more or less) mainstream Democratic ideas. I think it is plain that the former ideas are far more problematic than the latter. And so Hannity is lots worse. --But this business of defending your team no matter what they do or say: it just won't do. not in the community of earnest thinkers. -R

Anonymous said...

YGBSM! If you cannot see that Carville is nothing more than a lowbrow dumb as dirt hack then you lack the intellectual acuity to see the obvious, 3:34. Hannity isn't any better ... he's little more than an attack dog who drives you liberal pseudo intellectuals crazy.

Roy Bauer said...

Ah, more sophistication from the right-wing! Perhaps you've learned your rhetorical stylings from--Sean Hannity! ¶ You assert that I am among the "liberal pseudo intellectuals." If you are literate, then you will know that you are saying that I am liberal and that I am not really an intellectual. What inspires you to call me a liberal? If I assert that mainstream Democratic thinking is preferable to Bushian thinking, does it follow that I am a liberal? By what logic? Since (presumably) you are a genuine intellectual (not that awful "pseudo" kind), you will be able to explain with dazzling erudition. Also, please explain what kind of intellectual begins their comments with "you gotta be shittin' me!", provides no argument whatsoever, and then ends with unadorned name-calling? Please do tell! I look forward to your response.

Anonymous said...

Carville is dumb as dirt? Really? Watch "The War Room" and see him at work. He's bright as hell.

He also married Matalin, who apparently finds his intelligence appealing, despite their political differences.

Off you go now, and educate yourself.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...