While she is at it, she is also asking them to avail themselves of their college email accounts for this correspondence in order to prepare for the university (where such compliance is more or less mandatory) and so that Rebel Girl's emailbox will not fill up (as it has done in the past) with mysterious requests from the likes of Muscleman1991 and HotCupcake18.
So far, this campaign is an abject failure.
For those of you who don't know what she is talking about, she offers a helpful albeit brief and incomplete lexicon below.
Professor: prooffesserWhy the article "the" gets special treatment at the expense of "sorry" or "missed" or "class," she cannot fathom.
Professor Alvarez: pfsr alvarez
Your, as in "your class": ur cls
You and please as in "can you please explain": u pls expln
Please, as in please help!: plz
I, as in "I need to add your class": I nd to ad ur cls
Writing class, as in "I need to add your writing class": writting cls
Missed class, as in "I am sorry I missed class the first day": im sry I msd cls the first day
Her middle-aged mind reels whenever she deciphers the collision of language and technology. She mourns for the lost vowels.
Yes, Rebel Girl knows, she's old, very, very old. And she didn't sleep well last night.
You knew all this and more, didn't you?
(Pictured: cookies and cream vegan cupcakes. Yes, vegan.)
pls snd me APC code for ur cls!
ths gos 4 blogs 2?
What's "tia" mean?
TIA = thanks in advance.
Get with it, why don't u?
Vegan cupcakes?
Can you share the recipe Rebel Girl?
8:29, as you are some sort of expert on the job description of a college professor, please set forth the paragraph where tolerance of laziness and ineptitude is part of that occupation.
The new conventional wisdom says that the up-and-coming college generation prefers texting to email by huge margins. Without predictive typing in email, more and more student correspondence is going to look like this.
But they also use this "language" when they write in class!
What ARE the expectations for correspodence between students ans teachers?
Great post except for the vegan cupcakes - Yuck!
Are these from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World? Yummy!
I tell my students that (1) I answer student e-mail before any others, and (2) I do not open _any_ e-mail from people I don't know after the first two weeks of class.
I give them good reasons, and get good compliance: First is the spam issue. I also remind them that student e-mails get priority. Finally, I tell them I cannot discuss their issues with anyone but themselves, and the school e-mail ensures it's really them.
When I do get a mid-semester e-mail I suspect is from a student, I return it marked "unread" with a message reiterating the policy.
Always inform your students that they can have their IVC/Saddleback e-mails FORWARDED to their normal e-mail accounts. This ensures that they will always receive your e-mails.
Simply go to the options, and look for the option to "forward."
I believe they can even forward it to several e-mail accounts.
... just incase you didn't know.
Why can't we abbreviate when physcists and chemists do it all the time? Even philosophers!
1qt of milk plz, etc...
^ See?!
Hey Liz, how is Owen?
12:14, please explain the curious "yuck" comment.
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